Lotus Goddess Archives



Items / Equip

Legendary Items

Legendary Items are the best of the best, but they have two disadvantages - they need to be 'charged' on a regular basis to keep them from decaying, and they can be dropped when another player PKs you. This makes them extremely dangerous to carry and use for all but the strongest players, and even they are not totally free from risk. This is a list of the Legendary Items released on SRO and Fire Kirin server, with amounts released where available.

Released Legendary Items
  Name Level Description FK # SRO #
Reinforced Jerkin 90 Damage Immunity: Chi Damage, Status Immunity: Stun, Status immunity: Slow
+20 Physical Resist, +50 Lightning Resist, +5% DR
- 10
Thunderbolt Sword 1 Base Dmg +125-300, AR +7%, Lightning Dmg +150-300, Lightning Resist +10
Inflicts 50 points penalty to Lightning Resistance. (12 sec)
10 10
Iris Saber 1 Base Dmg +275-400, Phys Dmg +150-300, Inflict Stun, Physical Resist +10
Inflicts 50 Points penalty to Physical Resistance. (30 sec)
1 1
Magical Jerkin 85 +95-100 Force Dmg, +15% DR 20 20
Millenium Chain Armor 85 DR +45%, Status Immunity: Entangle
+20-20 Fire, Cold, Lightning, Poison Physical Dmg
20 20
Soulless Bow 1 Base Dmg +100-450, Cold Dmg +150-300, Chi Dmg +80-250
Drain 40% of total Attack Damage to HP and Chi, Inflicts Slow
1 1
Sharp Halberd 1 Base Dmg +225-475, Fire Dmg +210-350
Critical Chance +20%, Critical Power +2, Inflicts Stun
Inflicts 30 points penalty to Fire Resist.
1 1
Swift Sword 1 Base Dmg +188-396, Lightning Dmg +120-240, AR +10%
Weapon Attack Speed +2, Critical Chance +10%, Inflicts Blindness
1 1
Claw Bracers 101 Unarmed Dmg +410-800, AR +25%
Critical Chance +15%, Critical Power +1
1 1
Thorn Saber 1 Base Dmg +275-475, Poison Dmg +200-320, Inflicts Entangle
Reflect 40% of damage done by opponent.
Reflect 40% of damage done by opponent and convert it to Chi Damage.
1 1
Mystique Mask 81 Max HP +20%, Max Chi +20%
+15 Physical Resist, +75 Chi Regen
20 20
Storm Wind Shoulderpads 81 Lightning Dmg +45-125, Lightning Resist +50
Block Chance +15%, Weapon Attack Speed +1
20 20
Fire Kirin Sword 1 275-450 Force Dmg, 200-250 Fire Dmg, Inflicts 200 Fire Constant Damage
Inflicts -85 point penalty to Fire Resist (60 sec)
Break Fire Immune, +85 Fire Resist
1 1
Wolf Claw Bracers 90 Weapon Attack Speed +1, Unarmed Dmg +270-560
Str +40, Agi +20, Physical Dmg +20-50
20 20
Ultimate Amulet 71 Adds 50 to all attributes.
AR +10%, DR +10%, Max HP +10%, Max Chi +10%
- 20
Kirin Armor 90 Fire Resist +200, Physical Resist +200
DR +20%
10 10
Willow Sword 1 Force Dmg +100-200, AR +75%, Weapon Attack Speed +1
Per +30, Agi +30, Inflicts 25 points penalty to Defense Rating.
10 10
The First Sword 1 Base Dmg +500-520, Force Dmg +50-100, Physical Dmg +50-100
Inflicts 125% penalty to Defense Rating, Inflicts Stun
Inflicts 50 points penalty to Physical Resistance (60 sec)
3 -
Buddha's Mercy Ring 81 Max HP +20%, Max Chi +20%, DR +5%
HP Regeneration +75
20 -
First Shi Vault Key 1 First key needed to open Shi Vault (Fire Kirin Sword event) 1 1
Second Shi Vault Key 1 Second key needed to open Shi Vault (Fire Kirin Sword event) 1 1
Third Shi Vault Key 1 Third key needed to open Shi Vault (Fire Kirin Sword event) 1 1


Other Legendary Items
  Name Level Description FK # SRO #
The Universal Robe 110 Provides Hardened Protection.
Reduced all types of damage by 50% except Force Damage.
0/1 -
Gold Breastplate 101 DR +30%, Damage Immunity: Fire Damage, Damage Immunity: Cold Damage
Lightning Resistance +40, Poison Resistance +40, Physical Resistance +40
Adds 20 to all Attributes
0/1 -
Golden Silk Armor 81 DR +7%, Damage Immunity: Fire Damage, Block Chance +15%
HP Regeneration +5, Chi Regeneration +5, Max HP +10%
0/20 -
Ying Yang Ring 90 Drain 20% of total Attack Damage to HP
Drain 20% of total Attack Damage to Chi
Reflect 20% of Damage done by Opponent
Reflect 20% of Damage done by Opponent and convert it to Chi Damage
0/1 -
Phoenix Bow 1 AR +60%, Physical Dmg +10-125, Fire Dmg +6-175, Force Dmg +100-450
Weapon Attack Speed +1, Break Damage Immunity: Lightning Damage
Inflicts 50 points penalty to Lightning Resistance (60 sec)
0/1 -
Speedy Arrow 1 Base Dmg +80-480, AR +50%, Inflicts 25% penalty to Attack Rating
Inflicts 25% penalty to Defense Rating (60 sec), Weapon Attack Speed +2
0/1 -
Dragon Race Arrow 1 Base Dmg +100-450, Fire Dmg +25-100, Light Dmg +25-100, Weapon Attack Speed +1
Inflicts 40 points penalty to Fire Resistance
Inflicts 40 points penalty to Lightning Resistance (60 sec)
0/1 -
Snow Drinking Saber 1 Force Dmg +255-400, Cold Dmg +250-300, Break Status Immunity: All Status
Break Damage Immunity: Cold Damage, Inflicts Slow, Inflicts Entangle
Inflicts 85 points penalty to Cold Resistance (60 sec), Cold Resistance +85
0/1 -
Shogun Saber 1 Base Dmg +200-450, Physical Dmg +25-100, Poison Dmg +25-100
Inflicts Stun, Inflicts Slow, Inflicts 40 points penalty to Physical Resistance
Inflicts 40 points penalty to Poison Resistance
0/1 -
Cobra's Sting 1 Base Dmg +285-600, Inflicts all abnormal status
Break Status Immunity: All Status (120 sec)
0/1 -
Spiral Saber 1 Base Dmg +250-500, AR +100%, Weapon Attack Speed +1, Critical Chance +10
Critical Power +1
0/1 -
Snake Saber 1 Base Dmg +125-300, Poison Dmg +150-300, Poison Resist +10
Inflicts Stun, Inflicts 50 points penalty to Poison Resistance (12 sec)
0/10 -
Green Dragon Saber (Spear) 1 Base Dmg +300-540, Physical Dmg +50-200, DR +30%, Block Chance +20%
Inflicts Entangle (30 sec)
0/1 -
Dragon Head Staff 1 Base Dmg +240-465, DR +10%, Critical Power +2, Inflicts Stun
Inflicts Entangle
0/1 -
Shi Lan Spear 1 Base Dmg +225-475, Chi Dmg +1180-1200, AR +10%
Break Damage Immunity: Chi Damage
0/1 -
The Ultimate Sword 1 Force Dmg +425-700, AR +20%, Critical Power +1, Drain 20% of total Attack Damage to HP
Drain 20% of total Attack Damage to Chi, Break Damage Immunity: All Damage (60 sec)
0/1 -