Lotus Goddess Archives



Items / Equip

Equipment Sets

This is a list of the equipment sets in the game and their effects. When you are wearing all but one piece, you get the partial effect (if there is one), and when you are wearing all the pieces you get the full effect. PLEASE NOTE that you only get one effect- you do not get both the partial and the full effects when you are wearing all the pieces, you ONLY get the full set effect.

There is an additional side effect of wearing a set with a full or partial set effect- your MIND stat will be set to 200. This is a side effect of the method that was used to fix the set effect stacking bug. The full or partial set effect must be active, which means that one piece of the set will not do it. You need at least two pieces (except for the Moon Set, where you have to have the full set, as it does not have a Partial Set Effect).

Moon Set
  Name Type Description Level Location
Moon Ring Ring Constitution +8, Attack Rating +23, Fire Resistance +10 9 Event: Moon Festival
Moon Bracer Armwear Fire Dmg +5-8, Constitution +5 11 Event: Moon Festival
Moon Amulet Amulet DR +31, Max Chi +30, Chi Regen +6 25 Event: Moon Festival
Moon Shoulder Pad Shoulderpad HP Regeneration +4, Block Chance +15% 40 Event: Moon Festival
Moon Mask Mask Cold Resistance +10, Cold Dmg +30-50, Defense Rating +5% 51 Event: Moon Festival
Moon Armor Armor Defense Rating +10%, Physical Resistance +5, Cold Resistance +10 51 Event: Moon Festival
Full Set Effects (6 pieces)
Status Immunity: Slow, Fire Dmg +15-22, AR +10%, DR +10%
Physical Resistance +5, Fire Resistance +15, Cold Resistance +15


Patriot Set
  Name Type Description Level Location
Patriotic Greave Footwear Adds 10 to all attributes, Defense Rating +10% 60 Event: Dragon Boat Festival
Patriotic Bracer Armwear Block Chance +5%, Force Dmg 25-25 60 Event: Dragon Boat Festival
Patriotic Mask Mask All Resistances +10, +3% DR 60 Event: Dragon Boat Festival
Patriotic Shoulder Pad Shoulderpad Max HP +5%, Max Chi +5%, DR +5% 60 Event: Dragon Boat Festival
Partial Set Effects (3 pieces)
Block Chance +5%, All Resistances +5, Force Dmg +25-25
Full Set Effects (4 pieces)
Block Chance +10%, All Resistances +10, Force Dmg +50-50, Weapon Attack Speed +1
Adds 10 to all Attributes


Boundless Sword Set
  Name Type Description Level Location
Boundless Sword Sword Base Dmg +100-300 (Agi req-10 Per req-10) 70 ?
Boundless Sword Amulet Amulet AR +2%, All Resistances +15 51 ?
Boundless Sword Shoulderpad Shoulderpad Max HP +10%, HP Regeneration +30 51 ?
Boundless Sword Guard Footwear Adds 5 to all Attributes, Cold Dmg +50-50 51 ?
Partial set effect (3 Items): Critical Chance +10, AR +15%, Drain 5% of total Attack Damage to HP
Full set effect (4 items): Critical Chance +20, AR +30%, Drain 20% of total Attack Damage to HP


Boundless Bow Set
  Name Type Description Level Location
Boundless Bow Bow Base Dmg +100-300 (Per req-30) 70 ?
Boundless Bow Amulet Amulet DR +2%, All Resistances +10 51 ?
Boundless Bow Guardian Armwear Physical Dmg +50-100, Physical Resistance +10 51 ?
Boundless Bow Ring Ring Perception +20, Max Chi +10% 51 ?
Partial set effect (3 items): Weapon Attack Speed +1, AR +10%, Drain 5% of total Attack Damage to HP
Full set effect (4 items): Weapon Attack Speed +2, AR +20%, Lightning Dmg +45-125, Cold Dmg+45-125
Drain 15% of total Attack Damage to HP


Boundless Blade Set
  Name Type Description Level Location
Boundless Blade Saber Base Dmg +100-300 (Str req-30) 70 ?
Boundless Blade Guardian Armwear Fire Dmg +60-120, Light Resistance +10 51 ?
Boundless Blade Guard Footwear Adds 5 to all Attributes, Fire Dmg +50-50 51 ?
Boundless Blade Ring Ring Strength +20, Max Chi +10% 51 ?
Partial set effect (3 items): Critical Power +1, AR +20%, Strength +20
Full set effect (4 items): Critical Power +2, AR +50%, Strength +50


Boundless Spear Set
  Name Type Description Level Location
Boundless Spear Staff/Spear Base Dmg +100-300 (Agi req-10) 70 ?
Boundless Spear Amulet Amulet DR +5%, All Resistances +10 51 ?
Boundless Spear Shoulderpad Shoulderpad Max HP +10%, Chi Regeneration +30 51 ?
Boundless Spear Guard Footwear Adds 5 to all Attributes, Poison Dmg +50-50 51 ?
Partial set effect (3 items): Block Chance +20%, Max HP +5%, Max Chi +5%
Full set effect (4 items): Block Chance +50%, Max HP +10%, Max Chi +15%


Boundless Fist Set
  Name Type Description Level Location
Boundless Fist Armwear Unarmed Dmg +100-300 51 ?
Boundless Fist Amulet Amulet All Resistances +15 51 ?
Boundless Fist Guard Footwear Adds 5 to all Attributes, Physical Dmg +50-50 51 ?
Boundless Fist Ring Ring Mind +20, Max Chi +10% 51 ?
Partial set effect (3 items): Force Dmg +50, AR +15%
Full set effect (4 items): Critical Power +1, Force Dmg 50-200, AR +30%