Lotus Goddess Archives



Items / Equip

Uncommon Weapon Types

Many uncommon weapon types are sold in stores, but there are also types that can only be obtained through drops from enemies. This list covers both the types available in stores and those available only as drops.

Uncommon Weapon Types
Name Description Location
Strength * Base Dmg, +Strength Stores, Drop
Perception * Base Dmg, +Perception Stores, Drop
Dash * Base Dmg, +Physical Dmg Stores, Drop
Flame * Base Dmg, +Fire Dmg Stores, Drop
Ice * Base Dmg, +Cold Dmg Stores, Drop
Lightning * Base Dmg, +Lightning Dmg Stores, Drop
Poison * Base Dmg, +Poison Dmg Stores, Drop
Combat * Base Dmg (High min dmg), +AR Stores, Drop
Blocking * Base Dmg (High min dmg), +DR Stores, Drop
Power * Base Dmg, +AR, +DR Stores, Drop
Mighty * Base Dmg, +AR, Strength Stores, Drop
Dexterity * Base Dmg, +AR, +Perception Stores, Drop
Energy * Base Dmg, +AR, +Physical Dmg Stores, Drop
Heatwave * Base Dmg (High min dmg- staff/sword), +AR, +Fire Dmg Stores, Drop
Frozen * Base Dmg, +AR, +Cold Dmg Stores, Drop
Shockwave * Base Dmg, +AR, +Lightning Dmg Stores, Drop
Toxic * Base Dmg, +AR, +Poison Dmg Stores, Drop
Burning * Base Dmg, +DR, +Fire Dmg Drop
Iceberg * Base Dmg, +DR, +Cold Dmg Drop
LightRay * Base Dmg, +DR, +Light Dmg Drop
Thorn * Base Dmg, +DR, +Poison Dmg Drop
Vanguard * Base Dmg, +DR, +Physical Dmg Drop
Dynasty * Base Dmg, +DR, +Strength Drop
EagleEye * Base Dmg, +DR, +Perception Drop
Eruption * Base Dmg, +Strength, +Fire Dmg Drop
Glacier * Base Dmg, +Strength, +Cold Dmg Drop
ThunderClap * Base Dmg, +Strength, +Lightning Dmg Drop
Cursed * Base Dmg, +Strength, +Poison Dmg Drop
Victory * Base Dmg, +Strength, +Physical Dmg Drop
Solar * Base Dmg, +Perception, +Fire Dmg Drop
Aurora * Base Dmg, +Perception, +Cold Dmg Drop
Spark * Base Dmg, +Perception, +Lightning Dmg Drop
Fatal * Base Dmg, +Perception, +Poison Dmg Drop
Conquest * Base Dmg, +Perception, +Physical Dmg Drop