Lotus Goddess Archives



Items / Equip

Rare Equipment

This is a list of rare equipment in the game. It is hard to give detailed or accurate information on where or whether these are available, as the existing servers do not have the full drop table open.

Rare Amulets
  Name Level Description Found
Amulet of Life 51 Max HP +20%, Hp Regeneration +15, DR +5% ?
Amulet of Chi 51 Max Chi +20%, Chi Regeneration +15, AR +5% ?
Critical Enhancing Amulet 51 AR +5%, Critical Chance +7 ?
Stun Deflector 51 HP Regeneration +14, Chi Regeneration +7, Status Immunity: Stun ?
Universal Amulet 51 DR +5%, All Resistances +20, All Elemental Dmg +1-7 (unlisted stats: AR +5%, All Elemental Dmg +7-7) ?
Heart Divine 51 Max HP +5%, AR +5%, DR +5%, Adds 20 to all Attributes ?
Medallion of Life 51 Max HP +10%, HP Regeneration +25, DR +5% ?
Medallion of Chi 51 Max Chi +10%, Chi Regeneration +25, AR +5% ?
Time Medallion 51 HP Regeneration +7, Chi Regeneration +14, Status Immunity: Slow ?
Starry Medallion 51 DR +8%, All Resistances +20 ?
Universal Excellence 51 Max. HP +10%, HP Regeneration +15, Adds 30 to all attributes ?
Yue's Blessing 51 HP Regeneration +6, Chi Regeneration +6, Max HP +2%, Max Chi +2% N/A
Tears of Death 21 AR +2%, Chi Regeneration +4 N/A
Guardian's Blessing 21 DR +2%, HP Regeneration +4 N/A


Rare Bracers
  Name Level Description Found
Soul Absorber 51 Cold Dmg +10-32, Drain 5% of total Attack Damage to Chi
Unarmed Dmg +200-300
Heart Absorber 51 Physical Dmg +10-20, Fire Dmg +6-12, Drain 5% of total Attack Damage to HP
Unarmed Dmg +200-300
Striker 51 Lightning Dmg +10-20, Fire Dmg +10-20, Attack Rating +20%
Unarmed Dmg +225-350
Chaos Guard Claw 51 Physical Dmg +7-15, Cold Dmg +7-15, Status Immunity: Stun, Status Immunity: Slow
Status Immunity: Entangle, Unarmed Dmg +75-125
Critical Striker 51 Poison Dmg +8-15, Fire Dmg +8-15, Critical Power +1
Weapon Attack Speed +1, Unarmed Dmg +225-350
Drain of the Soul 51 Cold Dmg +10-21, Drain 8% of total Attack Damage to Chi
Unarmed Dmg +200-300
Drain of the Heart 51 Physical Dmg +8-15, Fire Dmg +2-6, Drain 8% of total Attack Damage to HP
Unarmed Dmg +200-300
Blocker 51 DR +20%, Physical Resistance +10, Fire Resistance +20
Unarmed Dmg +225-350
Critical Enhancer 51 AR +5%, Critical Chance +15, Unarmed Dmg +215-325 ?
Swift Claw 51 DR +5%, Weapon Attack Speed +1, Unarmed Dmg +205-315 ?
Shielded Bracer 51 DR +5%, Block Chance +10%, Reflect 8% of Damage done by Opponent
Unarmed Dmg +175-285
Impounder's Claw 51 Physical Dmg +28-65, Cold Dmg +10-20, Light Dmg +10-20
Unarmed Dmg +350-425
Vengeance Claw 51 Physical Dmg +28-65, Fire Dmg +10-20, Poison Dmg +10-20
Unarmed Dmg +350-425
Golden 3 Split Bracer 51 Physical Dmg +50-150, Fire Dmg +50-150, Cold Dmg +50-150
Physical Resistance +5, Fire Resistance +10, Cold Resistance +10
(Unarmed Dmg +100 ?)
Silver 3 Split Bracer 51 Physical Dmg +40-125, Fire Dmg +40-125, Cold Dmg +40-125
Physical Resistance +3, Fire Resistance +8, Cold Resistance +8
(Unarmed Dmg +75 ?)
Iron 3 Split Bracer 51 Physical Dmg +30-100, Fire Dmg +30-100, Cold Dmg +30-100
Physical Resistance +1, Fire Resistance +5, Cold Resistance +5
(Unarmed Dmg +50 ?)
Hunter's Bracers 5 Attack Rating +19, Lightning Dmg +1-6, Lightning Resistance +9 N/A
Yue's Fury 81 Attack Rating +3%, Physical Dmg 10-15, Fire Dmg 10-15 N/A
Soul's Death Claw 41 Attack Rating +2% , Physical Dmg 5-10, Fire Dmg 5-10 N/A
Guardian's Protector 31 Defense Rating +2%, Cold Dmg +2-5, Fire Dmg +2-5, Lightning Dmg +2-5 N/A


Rare Greaves
  Name Level Description Found
Trader's Greave 51 Defense Rating +8%, Weight Allowance +200% ?
Greaves of Thorns 51 Reflect 12% of Damage done by Opponent, DR +5% ?
Defender 51 DR +20%, Physical Resistance +5, Cold Resistance +20 ?
Elemental Guard 51 DR +7%, All Resistances +30 ?
Merchant's Boon 51 DR +5%, Weight Allowance +300% ?
Spiked Greaves 51 Reflect 20% of Damage done by Opponent, DR +3% ?
Crusher 51 AR +10%, Physical Dmg +28-45, Cold Dmg +15-20 ?
Elemental Guardian 51 DR +5%, All Resistances +40 ?
Defensive Guard 51 DR +5%, Block Chance +15% ?
Chaos Guard 51 Status Immunity: Blindness, Status Immunity: Confusion, DR +5% ?
Guard of Yue 71 Weight Allowance +50%, Physical Resistance +10, Fire Resistance +10, Defense Rating +2% N/A
Death's Guard 31 Attack Rating +2%, Defense Rating +1% N/A
Guardian's Will 41 Defense Rating +2%, Block Chance +4% N/A
Feathery Greaves 51,61,71 (51) Weight Allowance +150, Agility +18
(61) Weight Allowance +150, Agility +28
(71) Weight Allowance +150, Agility +38


Rare Armor
  Name Level Description Found
Scales of the Dragon 51 Adds 15 to all attributes, Physical Resistance +30, Fire Resistance +30
Fire Dmg +10-20, Physical Dmg +10-20
Heart of the Kirin 51 Adds 25 to all attributes, HP Regeneration +20, Chi Regeneration +20
Fire Resistance +50, Physical Resistance +50
Berserk Armor 31 Causes Berserk, Critical Chance +10
Physical Resistance +5, Poison Resistance +5
Armor 31 Defense Rating +63 N/A
Armor of Ying 51 Adds 5 to all attributes, All Resistances +5, Defense Rating +2% N/A
Spirit of Death 51 Perception +5, Mind +5, Attack Rating +2%, Critical Chance +2% N/A
Armor of the Guardian 51 +5 Agility, +5 Constitution, Defense Rating +2%, Block Chance +2% N/A


Rare Rings
  Name Level Description Found
Essence of the Kirin 51 Fire Resistance +100, Fire Dmg +10-20 ?
Essence of the Phoenix 51 Lightning Resistance +100, Lightning Dmg +10-20 ?
Essence of Ice 51 Cold Resistance +100, Cold Dmg +10-20 ?
Essence of Venom 51 Poison Resistance +100, Poison Dmg +10-20 ?
Essence of Steel 51 Physical Resistance +100, Physical Dmg +10-20 ?
Ring of Strength 51 Physical Resistance +25, Strength +40, Physical Dmg +6-12 Drop-GP
Ring of Perception 51 Lightning Resistance +25, Perception +40, Lightning Dmg +6-12 Drop-GP
Ring of Agility 51 Cold Resistance +25, Agility +40, Cold Dmg +6-12 Drop-GP
Ring of Constitution 51 Poison Resistance +25, Constitution +40, Poison Dmg +6-12 Drop-GP
Ring of Mind 51 Fire Resistance +25, Mind +40, Fire Dmg +6-12 Drop-GP
Guardian Deity Ring 51 All Resistances +50, AR +5%, DR +5% ?
Ring of Ice Guard 51 Damage Immunity: Cold Damage, Cold Dmg +1-20 ?
Ring of Fire Guard 51 Damage Immunity: Fire Damage, Fire Dmg +1-20 ?
Ring of Poison Guard 51 Damage Immunity: Poison Damage, Poison Dmg +1-20 ?
Ring of Lightning Guard 51 Damage Immunity: Lightning Damage, Lightning Dmg +1-20 ?
Ring of Physical Guard 51 Damage Immunity: Physical Damage, Physical Dmg +1-20 ?
Ring of Yang 41 Drain 2% of total Attack Damage to HP
Drain 2% of total Attack Damage to Chi
Power of Yue 61 Fire Dmg +10-15, Fire Resistance +10, Physical Resistance +10 N/A


Rare Masks
  Name Level Description Found
Mask of Frostbite 51 Cold Resistance +35, Cold Dmg +30-50, DR +3% ?
Mask of Heatstroke 51 Fire Resistance +35, Fire Dmg +30-50, DR +3% ?
Mask of Intoxication 51 Poison Resistance +35, Poison Dmg +30-50, DR +3% ?
Mask of Flare 51 Lightning Resistance +35, Lightning Dmg +30-50, DR +3% ?
Mask of Hemorrhage 51 Physical Resistance +35, Physical Dmg +30-50, DR +3% ?
Ying Yang Mask 51 Adds 5 to all attributes, All Resistances +5, DR +2 N/A


Rare Shoulderpads
  Name Level Description Found
Dodging Shoulder Pads 51 HP Regeneration +4, Block Chance +15%, Status Immunity: Slow ?
Venom's Strike 51 Status Immunity: Poison Constant Damage, Chi Regeneration +4, AR +5% ?
Winter's Frost 51 Status Immunity: Cold Constant Damage, DR +9%
Drain 8% of total Attack Damage to HP
Thunder's Roar 51 Status Immunity: Lightning Constant Damage, Status Immunity: Stun
Max HP +50
Fire's Wrath 51 Status Immunity: Fire Constant Damage, Fire Dmg +100-140
Reflect 10% of Damage done by Opponent
Saint Spirit Shoulder Pad 40 Damage Immunity: Cold Damage, Cold Dmg +50-500 Event
Spirit of Death 51 Mind +5, Perception +5, AR +2%, Critical Chance +2 N/A
Shield of the Guardian 51 Agility +5, Constitution +5, DR +2%, Block Chance +2% N/A


Boundless Sword Set
  Name Type Description Level Location
Boundless Sword Sword Base Dmg +100-300 (Agi req-10 Per req-10) 70 ?
Boundless Sword Amulet Amulet AR +2%, All Resistances +15 51 ?
Boundless Sword Shoulderpad Shoulderpad Max HP +10%, HP Regeneration +30 51 ?
Boundless Sword Guard Footwear Adds 5 to all Attributes, Cold Dmg +50-50 51 ?
Partial set effect (3 Items): Critical Chance +10, AR +15%, Drain 5% of total Attack Damage to HP
Full set effect (4 items): Critical Chance +20, AR +30%, Drain 20% of total Attack Damage to HP


Boundless Bow Set
  Name Type Description Level Location
Boundless Bow Bow Base Dmg +100-300 (Per req-30) 70 ?
Boundless Bow Amulet Amulet DR +2%, All Resistances +10 51 ?
Boundless Bow Guardian Armwear Physical Dmg +50-100, Physical Resistance +10 51 ?
Boundless Bow Ring Ring Perception +20, Max Chi +10% 51 ?
Partial set effect (3 items): Weapon Attack Speed +1, AR +10%, Drain 5% of total Attack Damage to HP
Full set effect (4 items): Weapon Attack Speed +2, AR +20%, Lightning Dmg +45-125, Cold Dmg+45-125
Drain 15% of total Attack Damage to HP


Boundless Blade Set
  Name Type Description Level Location
Boundless Blade Saber Base Dmg +100-300 (Str req-30) 70 ?
Boundless Blade Guardian Armwear Fire Dmg +60-120, Light Resistance +10 51 ?
Boundless Blade Guard Footwear Adds 5 to all Attributes, Fire Dmg +50-50 51 ?
Boundless Blade Ring Ring Strength +20, Max Chi +10% 51 ?
Partial set effect (3 items): Critical Power +1, AR +20%, Strength +20
Full set effect (4 items): Critical Power +2, AR +50%, Strength +50


Boundless Spear Set
  Name Type Description Level Location
Boundless Spear Staff/Spear Base Dmg +100-300 (Agi req-10) 70 ?
Boundless Spear Amulet Amulet DR +5%, All Resistances +10 51 ?
Boundless Spear Shoulderpad Shoulderpad Max HP +10%, Chi Regeneration +30 51 ?
Boundless Spear Guard Footwear Adds 5 to all Attributes, Poison Dmg +50-50 51 ?
Partial set effect (3 items): Block Chance +20%, Max HP +5%, Max Chi +5%
Full set effect (4 items): Block Chance +50%, Max HP +10%, Max Chi +15%


Boundless Fist Set
  Name Type Description Level Location
Boundless Fist Armwear Unarmed Dmg +100-300 51 ?
Boundless Fist Amulet Amulet All Resistances +15 51 ?
Boundless Fist Guard Footwear Adds 5 to all Attributes, Physical Dmg +50-50 51 ?
Boundless Fist Ring Ring Mind +20, Max Chi +10% 51 ?
Partial set effect (3 items): Force Dmg +50, AR +15%
Full set effect (4 items): Critical Power +1, Force Dmg 50-200, AR +30%