Lotus Goddess Archives



Items / Equip

Uncommon Equipment

Better than common equipment, uncommon equipment is harder to come by and is usually acquired through looting mobs. Naturally some is more useful than others, with the best of them being the 'very uncommon'.

Uncommon Amulets
  Name Lvl/LvlRange Description Found
Battling (*) Amulet 2,12,22..72 *= (Spirit)(to 39) Saint/Deity(40+). Deity/Spirit has one extra stat that Saint lacks.
Adds some AR and DR and the Deity/Spirit version also adds HP.
Example 1: Lv32 Battling Amulet = AR +43, DR +42
Example 2: Lv72 Battling Deity Amulet = AR +100, DR +92, HP +44
Energetic * Amulet 4,14,24..74 *= (Spirit)(to 39) Saint/Deity(40+) Deity/Spirit has one extra stat that Saint lacks.
Adds some HP and Chi and the Deity/Spirit version also adds HP Regen.
Example 1: Lv24 Energetic Amulet= Max HP +29, Max Chi +26 Example 2: Lv24 Energetic Spirit Amulet= Max HP +29, Max Chi +26, HP Regen +3
Calming (*) Amulet 6,16,26..76 *= (Spirit)(to 39) Saint/Deity(40+). Deity/Spirit has one extra stat that Saint lacks.
Adds some HP Regen and Chi Regen and the Deity/Spirit version also adds HP.
Example 1: Lv16 Calming Amulet = HP Regen +3, Chi Regen +3
Example 2: Lv46 Calming Deity Amulet = HP Regen +6, Chi Regen +9, Max HP +54
Curing * Amulet 8,18,28..78 *= (Spirit)(to 39) Saint/Deity(40+). Deity/Spirit has one extra stat that Saint lacks.
Adds some HP and HP Regen and the Deity/Spirit version also adds DR.
Example 1: Lv68 Curing Saint Amulet = Max HP +89, HP Regen +12
Example 2: Lv78 Curing Deity Amulet = Max HP +99, HP Regen +15, DR +61
Refreshing * Amulet 10,20,30..80 * (Spirit)(to 39) Saint/Deity(40+). Deity/Spirit has one extra stat that Saint lacks.
Adds some Chi and Chi Regen and the Deity/Spirit version also adds DR.
Example 1: Lv70 Refreshing Deity Amulet = Max Chi +91, Chi Regen +12, DR +61
Example 2: Lv70 Refreshing Saint Amulet = Max Chi +91, Chi Regen +12
Serenity Amulet 1 DR +4, Max Chi +10, Chi Regen +2 Drop-Unc
Serene * Amulet 13,25,37 * = Swallow/Dove/Pelican
Adds some DR, Chi and Chi Regeneration.
Example: Lv25 Serene Dove Amulet = DR +31, Max Chi +30, Chi Regen +6
Serene * Amulet 49, 61, 73, 85 * = Hawk/Eagle/Phoenix/Dragon
Adds some DR, HP and HP Regeneration.
Example: Lv73 Serene Phoenix Amulet = DR +83, Max HP +55, HP Regen +13
Tranquility Amulet 4 AR +5, Max HP +25, HP Regen +2 Drop-Unc
Tranquil * Amulet 16, 28, 40 *= Swallow/Dove/Pelican
Adds some AR, HP and HP Regen.
Example: Lv16 Tranquil Swallow Amulet= AR +18, Max HP +30, HP Regen +3
Tranquil * Amulet 52, 64, 76, 88 *= Hawk/Eagle/Phoenix/Dragon
Adds some AR, HP and Chi.
Example: Lv88 Tranquil Dragon Amulet= AR +80, Max HP +48, Max Chi +52
Placidity Amulet 7 AR +10, Max HP +13, Chi +15 Drop-Unc
Placid * Amulet 19,31,43 *= Swallow/Dove/Pelican
Adds some AR, HP and Chi.
Example: Lv19 Placid Swallow Amulet= AR +20, Max HP +18, Max Chi +20
Placid * Amulet 55, 67, 79, 91 *= Hawk/Eagle/Phoenix/Dragon
Adds DR, HP Regen and Chi Regen.
Example: Lv91 Placid Dragon Amulet= DR +53, HP Regen +10, Chi Regen +9
Peace Amulet 10 Defense Rating +25, HP Regeneration +3, Chi Regeneration +2 Drop-Unc
Peaceful * Amulet 22, 34, 46 * = Swallow, Dove, Pelican
Adds some DR, HP Regen and Chi Regen.
Example: Lv34 Peaceful Dove Amulet, DR +33, HP Regen +5, Chi Regen +4
Peaceful * Amulet 58, 70, 82, 94 * = Hawk, Eagle, Phoenix, Dragon
Adds some DR, Chi and Chi Regeneration.
Example: Lv58 Peaceful Hawk Amulet, DR +69, Max Chi +60, Chi Regen +12
Warrior Medallion 9 AR +30, Max. HP +20 Drop-Unc
Great Ox Amulet 10 Max HP +40, Max Chi +40 Drop-Unc
White Horn Amulet 11 Physical Dmg +2-8
Reflect 5% of damage done by opponent.
Flaming Blood Amulet 12 Fire Dmg +2-12
Drain 5% of total Attack Damage to HP.
Brave Heart 64 Max. HP +84, Max. Chi +86, Defense Rating +101 Drop-Unc
Amulet of Gallantry 70 Mind +8, Strength +8, +40 Max HP
Reflect 6% of damage done by opponent.
Amulet of Courage 72 Perception +9, Strength +9, +45 Max HP
Reflect 8% of damage done by opponent.
Amulet of Fortitude 74 Constitution +10, Strength +10, +50 Max HP
Reflect 10% of damage done by opponent.
Amulet of Valor 76 Max HP +55, Str +8, Con +8, Agi +8, Mind +8, Per +8
Reflect 12% of damage done by opponent.


Uncommon Armwear
  Name Lvl/LvlRange Description Found
* Bracers 1,11,21..71 * = Bronze/Silver (to 39) Iron/Gold (40+)
Bronze and Iron Types add Physical Dmg and AR.
Example: Lv51 Iron Bracers= +89 AR, +22-30 Phys Dmg
Silver and Gold types add Physical Dmg, AR amd Strength.
Example: Lv71 Gold Bracers= +100 AR, 30-45 Phys Dmg, +16 Strength
Fiery * Bracers 3,13,23..73 * = Bronze/Silver (to 39) Iron/Gold (40+)
Bronze and Iron Type adds Fire Damage and AR.
Example: Lv53 Fiery Iron Bracers = +18-36 Fire Dmg, +78 AR
Silver and Gold Type adds Fire Damage, AR and Perception.
Example: Lv73 Fiery Gold Bracers = +22-50 Fire Dmg, +100 AR, +16 Perception
Icy * Bracers 5,15,25..75 * = Bronze/Silver (to 39) Iron/Gold (40+)
Bronze and Iron Types add Cold Dmg and AR.
Example: Lv5 Icy Bronze Bracers= +2-5 Cold Dmg, +10 AR
Silver and Gold types add Cold Dmg, AR and Strength.
Example: Lv45 Icy Gold Bracers= Cold Dmg +8-16, AR +67, Str +10
Storming * Bracers 7,17,27..77 * = Bronze/Silver (to 39) Iron/Gold (40+)
Bronze and Iron Types add Lightning Dmg and AR.
Example: Lv67 Storming Iron Bracers= +10-58 Lightning Dmg, +89 AR
Silver and Gold types add Lightning Dmg, AR and Perception.
Example: Lv47 Storming Gold Bracers= +7-42 Lightning Dmg, +10 AR, +67 Perception
Lethal * Bracers 9,19,29..79 * = Bronze/Silver (to 39) Iron/Gold (40+)
Bronze and Iron Types add Poison Dmg and AR.
Example: Lv69 Lethal Iron Bracers= +25-44 Poison Dmg, +89 AR
Silver and Gold Types add Poison Dmg, AR, and Strength.
Example: Lv39 Lethal Silver Bracers= Poison Dmg +13-20, AR +56, Str +8
Battle Might 4,8,12,16..60 Adds some Block Chance and Strength.
Example: Lv48 Battle Might= +9% Block Chance, +24 Strength
Assault Might 4,8,12,16..60 Adds some Block Chance and Perception
Example: Lv52 Assault Might= +9% Block Chance, +26 Perception
Elemental Might 16,32,48..80 Adds some Fire, Cold and Lightning Damage.
Example: Lv80 Elemental Might= +18-36 Fire Dmg, +5-12 Cold Dmg, +7-42 Lightning Dmg
Nail of the Demon 7 Cold Dmg +8-14, Cold Resistance +10 Drop-V.Unc
Soul Assassin 8 Drain 2% of total Attack Damage to Chi
Drain 2% of total Attack Damage to HP
Hell's Flare 9 Fire Dmg +6-16, Fire Resist +10 Drop-V.Unc
Thorn Balls Puffer 10 Reflect 3% of Damage done by opponent. AR +20 Drop-V.Unc
Nail of the Gargoyle 11 Physical Dmg +6-12, Physical Resistance +7 Drop-V,Unc
Storm Crusher 12 Physical Dmg +12-15, Lightning Dmg +2-8 Drop-V.Unc
Frosty Bracers 25 Cold Resist +15, AR +35, Str +5, Unarmed Damage +15-30 Drop-V.Unc
Tornado Bracers 30 Lightning Resist +18, AR +45, Agi +10, Unarmed Dmg +15-35 Drop-V.Unc
Toxic Bracers 35 Poison Resist +21, AR +55, Str +10, Unarmed Damage +20-40 Drop-V.Unc
Smiting Bracers 40 Physical Resist +24, AR +65, Agi +15, Unarmed Damage +25-45 Drop-V.Unc
Blazing Canine Bracers 45 Fire Resist +27, AR +75, Str +15, Unarmed Dmg +30-50 Drop-V.Unc
Frosty Canine Bracers 50 Cold Resist +30, AR +85, Agi +20, Unarmed Damage +40-60 Drop-V.Unc
Tornado Canine Bracers 55 Lightning Resist +33, AR +95, Str +20, Unarmed Dmg +50-70? Drop-V.Unc
Toxic Canine Bracers 60 Poison Resist +36, AR +105, Agi +25, Unarmed Dmg +60-80 Drop-V.Unc


Uncommon Footwear
  Name Lvl/LvlRange Description Found
* Greaves 2,12,22..72 *= Wolf/Tiger(to 39) Panther/Lion(40+)
Wolf/Panther Type adds Resist and DR.
Example: Lv2 Panther Greaves= +6 Physical Resist, +3 DR
Tiger/Lion Type adds Physical Resist, DR and Agility.
Example: Lv22 Tiger Greaves= +10 Physical Resist, +41 DR, +6 Agility
Fire * Greaves 4,14,24..74 *= Wolf/Tiger(to 39) Panther/Lion(40+)
Wolf/Panther Type adds Fire Resist and DR.
Example: Lv4 Fire Wolf Greaves= +6 Fire Resist, +6 DR
Tiger/Lion Type adds Fire Resist, DR and Agility.
Example: Lv54 Fire Lion Greaves= +31 Fire Resist, +91 DR, +14 Agility
Ice * Greaves 6,16,26..76 *= Wolf/Tiger(to 39) Panther/Lion(40+)
Wolf/Panther Type adds Cold Resist and DR.
Example: Lv56 Ice Panther Greaves= +32 Cold Resist, +92 DR
Tiger/Lion Type adds Cold Resist, DR and Agility.
Example: Lv46 Ice Lion Greaves= +25 Cold Resist, +81 DR, +12 Agility
Storm * Greaves 8, 18, 28..78 *= Wolf/Tiger(to 39) Panther/Lion(40+)
Wolf/Panther Type adds Lightning Resist and DR.
Example: Lv68 Storm Panther Greaves= +40 Lightning Resist, +112 DR
Tiger/Lion Type adds Lightning Resist, DR and Agility.
Example: Lv68 Storm Lion Greaves= +40 Lightning Resist, +112 DR, +18 Agility
Lethal * Greaves 10,20,30..80 *= Wolf/Tiger(to 39) Panther/Lion(40+)
Wolf/Panther Type adds Poison Resist and DR.
Example: Lv70 Lethal Panther Greaves= +40 Poison Resist, +112 DR
Tiger/Lion Type adds Poison Resist, DR and Agility.
Example: Lv80 Lethal Lion Greaves= +40 Poison Resist, +121 DR, +20 Agility
Sprinting Greaves 4,8,12..20 Adds some DR and Agility.
Example: Lv20 Sprinting Greaves= DR +12, Agi +10
Snow Touch Greaves 24,28,32..40 Adds some DR and Agility.
Drifting Snow Greaves 44,48,52..60 Adds some DR and Agility.
Example: Lv44 Drifting Snow Greaves= DR +32, Agi +22
Flying Snow Greaves 64,68,72..80 Adds some DR and Agility.
Example: Lv68 Flying Snow Greaves= +92 DR, +36 Agi
Elemental Greaves 16,32,48..80 Adds Fire, Lightning and Cold Resist.
Example: Lv32 Elemental Greaves= +10 Fire Resist, +10 Lightning Resist, +10 Cold Resist
Life Blessing 7 HP Regen +4, Max HP +30 Drop-V.Unc
Trader's Apprentice 8 Weight Allowance +40%, DR +20 Drop-V.Unc
Osmosis Guard 9 All Resist +3, All Element Dmg +1-2 Drop-V.Unc
Gravija Guard 10 All Resistances +6 Drop-V.Unc
Soul Blessing 11 Chi Regen +4, Max Chi +40 Drop-V.Unc
Thorn Ball's Fragment 12 Reflect 4% of Damage done by opponent, Defense Rating +20 Drop-V.Unc
Flaring Dragon Greaves 11 Fire Dmg +5-8, Con +5 Drop-V.Unc
Freezing Dragon Greaves 19 Cold Dmg +10-15, Mind +10 Drop-V.Unc
Fatal Dragon Greaves 27 Poison Dmg +25-30, Con +15 Drop-V.Unc
Dazzling Dragon Greaves 34 Lightning Dmg +40-45, Mind +20 Drop-V.Unc
Raging Dragon Greaves 41 Physical Dmg +50-55, Con +25 Drop-V.Unc
Flaring Goliath Greaves 48 Fire Dmg +60-65, Mind +30 Drop-V.Unc
Freezing Goliath Greaves 56 Cold Dmg +70-75, Con +35 Drop-V.Unc
Fatal Goliath Greaves 63 Poison Dmg +80-85, Mind +40 Drop-V.Unc
Dazzling Goliath Greaves 70 Lightning Dmg +90-95, Con +45 Drop-V.Unc
Raging Goliath Greaves 78 Physical Dmg +100-105, Mind +50 Drop-V.Unc
Swift Protector 64 +23 Physical Resist, +72 DR Drop-Unc


Uncommon Rings
  Name Lvl/LvlRange Description Found
* Ring 1,11,21..71 *= Tortoise/Phoenix(to 39) Kirin/Dragon(40+)
Tortoise/Kirin Type adds Physical Resist and Mind.
Example: Lv71 Kirin Ring= +55 Phys Resist, +32 Mind
Phoenix/Dragon Type adds Physical Resist, Mind and Agility
Example: Lv11 Phoenix Ring= +10 Phys Resist, Mind +8, Agi +4
Fire * Ring 3,13,23..73 *= Tortoise/Phoenix(to 39) Kirin/Dragon(40+)
Tortoise/Kirin Type adds Fire Resist and Agility.
Example: Lv63 Fire Kirin Ring= +55 Fire Resist, +28 Agi
Phoenix/Dragon Type adds Fire Resist, Agility and Mind.
Example: Lv43 Fire Dragon Ring= +31 Fire Resist, +20 Agility, +12 Mind
Ice * Ring 5,15,25..75 *= Tortoise/Phoenix(to 39) Kirin/Dragon(40+)
Tortoise/Kirin Type adds Cold Resist and Constitution.
Example: Lv65 Ice Kirin Ring= +55 Cold Resist, +28 Con
Phoenix/Dragon Type adds Cold Resist, Constitution and Strength.
Example: Lv45 Ice Dragon Ring= +31 Cold Resist, +20 Con, +12 Str
Storm * Ring 7,17,27..77 *= Tortoise/Phoenix(to 39) Kirin/Dragon(40+)
Tortoise/Kirin Type adds Lightning Resist and Perception.
Example: Lv7 Storm Tortoise Ring= +6 Lightning Resist, +4 Per
Phoenix/Dragon Type adds Lightning Resist, Perception and Constitution.
Example: Lv77 Storm Dragon Ring= +62 Lightning Resist, +32 Per, +16 Con
Lethal * Ring 9,19,29..79 *= Tortoise/Phoenix(to 39) Kirin/Dragon(40+)
Tortoise/Kirin Type adds Poison Resist and Strength.
Example: Lv29 Lethal Tortoise Ring= +25 Poison resist, +12 Str
Phoenix/Dragon Type adds Poison Resist, Strength and Perception.
Example: Lv69 Lethal Dragon Ring= +55 Poison Resist, +28 Str, +16 Per
Soul Guardian 8,16,24..80 Adds some Constitution and Mind
Example: Lv32 Soul Guardian= +16 Con +16 Mind
Blessing Guardian 8,16,24..80 Adds some Strength, Perception and Agility
Example: Lv40 Blessing Guardian= +20 Str, +20 Per, +20 Agi
Alighted Saint 16,30,44,59,73 Adds some AR, Agility and Mind.
Example: Lv73 Alighted Saint= +95 AR, +50 Agi, +50 Mind
Soul Redeemer 9,23,37,52,66 Adds DR, Perception and Strength.
Example: Lv37 Soul Redeemer= +35 DR, +25 Perception, +25 Strength
Cold Spirit Ring 11 +2-12 Cold Damage
Drain 5% of total Attack Damage to Chi.
Ring of the Seeker 9 Lightning Dmg +8-12, AR +30 Drop-V.Unc
Viper Fang Ring 9 Poison Resistance +10, Poison Dmg +6-14 Drop-V.Unc
Ring of Fortitude 12 HP Regeneration +5, Chi Regeneration +5 Drop
Perfect Guardian 64 All Stats +32 (says 16, adds 32) Drop-V.Unc
Elemental Guardian 64 +16 Fire, Cold, Light and Poison Resist Drop-V.Unc
Impact Ring 5,10,20,30..90 Adds Physical Resist
Example: Lv50 Impact Ring= Physical Resistance +40
Level 50-Mi Yin Temple Monks


  Name Lvl/LvlRange Description Found
Clothes 20,30 Adds some DR and Fire Resist.
Level 20 adds 23 DR and 17 Fire Resist
Level 30 adds 43 DR and 25 Fire Resist.
Clothes 20,30 Adds some DR and Cold Resist.
Level 20 adds 26 DR and 17 Cold Resist
Level 30 adds 46 DR and 25 Cold Resist.
Clothes 20,30 Adds some DR and Poison Resist.
Level 20 adds 27 DR and 17 Poison Resist
Level 30 adds 47 DR and 25 Poison Resist.
Clothes 20,30 Adds some DR and Lightning Resist.
Level 20 adds 29 DR and 17 Lightning Resist
Level 30 adds 49 DR and 25 Lightning Resist.
Clothes 20,30 Adds some DR and AR.
Level 20 adds 32 DR and 45 AR
Level 30 adds 52 DR and 67 AR.
Clothes 20,30 Adds some DR and Strength.
Level 20 adds 33 DR and 20 Strength
Level 30 adds 53 DR and 30 Strength.
Clothes 20,30 Adds some DR and Agility.
Level 20 adds 35 DR and 20 Agility
Level 30 adds 55 DR and 30 Agility.
Clothes 20,30 Adds some DR and Constitution.
Level 20 adds 38 DR and 20 Constitution
Level 30 adds 58 DR and 30 Constitution.
Clothes 20,30 Adds some DR and Mind.
Level 20 adds 39 DR and 20 Mind
Level 30 adds 59 DR and 30 Mind.
Clothes 20,30 Adds some DR and Perception.
Level 20 adds 41 DR and 20 Perception
Level 30 adds 61 DR and 30 Perception.