Lotus Goddess Archives



Items / Equip

Saber Stance

Focused on doing massive damage with a single blow, users of this stance learn how to maximize damage when attacking their opponents. Uses damage enhancing powers. Saber Stance uses cold, fire and physical based powers.

Sword Stance

The most popular stance with the widest variety of attacks. Users of this stance learn to focus their chi and improve their attacks. Focuses on attack. Sword Stance uses cold, poison and fire based powers.

Unarmed Stance

Gives all rounded advancement and powers, and resistance against physical attacks. Users of this stance learn to strengthen their chi and body to deal greater damage with their bare hands and defend against attacks. Unarmed Stance uses a variety of elements, most notably physical, poison, and cold based attacks.

Staff Stance

Providing extra protection from attacks and extra toughness, users of this stance learn great defense but poor attacks. Has defense based powers. Staff Stance uses poison, lightning and physical based powers.

Bow Stance

Can use the best and cheapest long ranged powers, and has very accurate attacks. Users of this stance learn to aim and strike accurately, but have weak points. The bow allows its user to attack at a distance. Bow Stance uses lightning and fire based powers primarily, and cold as a secondary.

Clan Powers

These powers are taught by trainers inside each of the five clan headquarters. In order to learn these, you must either be part of that clan, or be in a clan which is allied to it.

Legendary Powers

Generally the best powers for each stance, these powers all require having a high end mastery of a stance. They are acquired by doing quests instead of buying from a trainer, and each comes with one free unremovable power point. Not every legendary power is useful for every build.

Weapon Damage Powers

This is a selection of the (usually single target) weapon damage powers from each stance. This list does not include debuff powers.

Area of Effect Attack Powers

This is a selection of the area of effect (aoe) attack powers from each stance. How you aim them is different based on the power, as some have effect within a 'cone' in front of you (with different widths and ranges), while others will affect everything around you up to a range, or everything around a target to a range. The longest range an area of effect power can have is 30 meters, which is the furthest away a person can be from you and still have their name visible.

Healing and Buffing Powers

This is a selection of the (usually single target) weapon damage powers from each stance. This list does not include debuff powers. Powers with multiple buffs are listed in every category they apply to.

Debuff Powers

This is a selection of the powers from each stance which are used to debuff a target or targets. These debuffs can be of elemental resistances, attack rating or defense rating or a combination of several. Powers with multiple debuffs are listed in every category they apply to.

Status Effect Powers

This is a selection of the powers that inflict a status effect to the target. Each status effect has its own disabling effect, which can be extremely useful (if you're using it) or extremely roublesome (if you're inflicted with it). The rank of a power that inflicts a status effect determines the success rate as well as the duration (and in the case of an aoe, sometimes the range).

Constant Damage Powers

This is a selection of the constant damage powers from each stance. Constant Damage powers apply the stated damage once every 2 seconds, but constant damage cannot kill on its own. It does, however, nullify any and all of the respective HP or Chi regeneration a person may have for the duration that you are receiving constant damage to your HP and/or Chi.